Well, Andy is the winner and the dust has yet to settle. The HG's are addressing their behavior in the house. Some have been apologetic. Some have not. They all are coming to the realization that their behavior had consequences. Unfortunately, not all have taken it to heart.
Aaryn and Ginamarie have lost their jobs. That has never been in dispute. Spencer stated that although he hasn't lost his job (he was protected by the union while he was on the show) he is in danger of losing it. Andy's university has distanced itself by posting the following on its Facebook page: “Andy Herren has formerly worked for College of DuPage as a part-time instructor. He does not currently work for the college. Any behavior or language he uses on the CBS reality show ‘Big Brother’ does not represent the opinions or values of College of DuPage.”
Another BB blogger claimed that Andy was not a professor at the school, but just a lecturer. He actually taught speech communications there. Although most universities require their professors to have a Master's, any one who teaches at the college level has the right to be called, "Professor." So my fellow blogger needs to do some fact checking. I apologize for knee jerking. BB has a tendency to exaggerate or alter the HG's occupations to suit their needs. Nick was described as an entrepreneur, yet he has a large IMDb page. He has quite the acting resume. So when I was challenged on my earlier findings, I had assumed the person was right. I have learned to trust my own research as a result.
Anyway, BB is over and on to "Survivor."
September 16, 2013 Correction/Retraction
I had read on several sites that Andy was a part-time professor and that he had lost his job. An update on another site says that is not true. They state that Andy is a part-time lecturer. However, when the show lists his profession, it lists him as "college professor." So at this point, I am confused as everyone else.
September 16, 2013 The Party's Over....
I haven't commented lately, because the show is over for all intensive purposes. The only big news is that Any has joined the ranks of the unemployed. He was a part-time adjunct college professor which means he wasn't making a lot of money. The college has stated that Andy's views did not coincide with theirs. He wouldn't have been able to teach this fall anyway. Classes have been in session for some time now and he had committed to BB.
So of the final three, only one still has his job. Spencer is in a union and his job is not in jeopardy. If GM and Andy don't win, I wonder how complicated filing for unemployment will be. They are both being paid by BB at the moment so that could make things interesting.
I am a friend who is a big GM fan. I think she is cute and funny, but the things she has said in the house still rankles. Going after Elissa's son was not her finest hour. Kids should be off limits, period!
It will be fascinating to see who wins. GM, despite her bad behavior, is the most likeable of the three. Some feel that since Spencer deserves it since he managed to survive being on the block the most in BB history. Others feel that Andy deserves it, because he played the game the best.
I wish this season had an Ian. I never had anyone I wanted to win. I wonder how much we will see of the fall out. Aaryn's comments in the jury house were revealing. She apologized to Candice and Helen, but you could tell it stuck in her throat. These people were nasty.
BB has been picked up for next summer. I hope CBS has learned from this season's show and hires intelligent people. I pray that they will not hire a bunch of immature jerks, because they bring in the ratings. CBS has been lucky. One of these days something really bad is going to happen, because they didn't adequately investigate the HG's before hiring them.
I hope that this year's HG's are given the opportunity to watch the show and learn from it. People can change and grow.
Keeping my finger's crossed....
Jane Miller
September 7, 2013 Andy
Andy hasn't made any bigoted comments. He hasn't been politically incorrect. You would think I'd be happy that he might win it all after what I have said here. Sigh, nope! I will say that he has played a very dangerous game and that I am amazed that someone hasn't called him out on it. Elissa definitely suspected that he was playing both sides. Judd has his suspicions, but no one has done anything about it.
I must admit I can't stand Andy. He creeps me out. He is such a little weasel, yet I give him props. He should win a medal for staying in the game so long while playing both sides. That is one heck of a tight rope.
I like McCrae. I would have preferred that he had played the game without Amanda. I really think he is a better player than what we have seen, but he isn't stupid. He let Amanda do all the manipulating. She took all the heat, as well. His winning POV is proof that he has game. It is going to be interesting how this plays out.
September 5, 2013 Tonight's Double Eviction
Okay, conspiracy theorists, if Amanda doesn't go home tonight, I am joining you. It is obvious that Elissa has been rubber stamping everything production tells her to do. She was brought in as production's lackey period. Now Judd is unhappy with production and feels that they are behind Elissa's support of Amanda. I believe he is right. Amanda's crazy behavior brings in ratings. BB is going to want her to be there until the end.
On a side note, I knew as soon as Elissa handed over her rings, that they had to be fake. No woman hands over her wedding rings to anyone, but her jeweler. That had to be planned from the start. BB stopped being fun when production's manipulations became so blatantly obvious. I'd rather watch a soap opera. At least they don't pretend to be real.
September 3, 2013 (2) Aaryn
This is an interesting article. Aaryn's mother defends her!
September 3, 2013 GM
Sigh, just when I think these people have grown up, GM makes a racially charged statement about Elissa's son, last night. I would love to hate GM, but I can't. I don't see her as a bad person, but as an ignorant one. I had hoped that she would learn something when production lectured the HG's about making inappropriate remarks. No such luck! GM, it is time to grow up. Ignorant remarks like this make you look stupid. You've already lost your job. Do you want to find another one?
It will all hit the fan soon. Unfortunately, I stand by my previous statements, BB has rewarded these people, because their offensive dialogs bring in the ratings. They are being paid (and as a result, rewarded) to be obnoxious.
I am betting once they are all out of the house, they will claim that it was all an act for the show. Enough! Life is too short for bigotry.
September 2, 2013 (2)
Just FYI, I thought everyone would be interested in how BB is doing in the ratings. Great link: http://bigbrother15.com/ratings-report-bb15-ratings-for-wednesday-thursday-sunday-123138/
September 2, 2013 Amanda
I apologize. I didn't realize that blogspot was having issues. Two blogs are missing. I will try to recap.
I am glad to see Amanda on the block. There have been some conspiracy theorists who believe that Amanda was friends with the show's producer and as such, was reportedly scripted to win. We all know how easy it is for production plans to go awry. Although production gives directions to the players, even going as far as telling them who to vote for, trying to control the final outcome is difficult.
Amanda will have a lot to answer for when she finally goes home. She's has a showmance to explain to her boyfriend and, of course, all the hateful comments she made in the house. At times, she didn't appear mentally stable. At the very least, she came across incredibly immature. Production directed her to play it snarky. She went over board. I doubt it will affect her professional life. BB fans are legend. Many will be more than willing to use her for their real estate agent, just for the notoriety alone.
Players are jockeying for position. The show has finally gotten interesting.
August 29, 2013 Aaryn has left the building!
Perhaps I wrote my previous blog too soon. There was a rumor that there would not be any more exit interviews this season. This is obviously not true. Aaryn exited the house to a mix reception tonight. (I believe the studio audience consisted of BB/CBS employees. I think the reaction would have been far greater had it been true BB fans.)
Julie Chen was subdued tonight. She attempted to make Aaryn understand how her words affected others outside the house. She read a transcript of some of Aaryn's racist comments. Aaryn appeared upset, but claimed that she didn't remember saying them. She also brushed her remarks off as "being from the South" and that she was"kidding...not meaning anything by it." You could tell that she did remember her remarks and that she realized she was being called out on them. Julie pointed out that once Aaryn leaves the house she will have ample time to review the footage.
I am unhappy that Aaryn pulled out the South card again. Really Aaryn, being from the South excuses you from being racist? She did offer an apology. I guess that is something.
I feel bad for her. The next few months will be difficult. She is going to have to face some truths about herself and deal with them. I hope she learns from her mistakes, forgives herself and moves on.
Society will quickly forgive and forget. Her youth is her biggest advantage in that respect. Good luck Aaryn, you are going to need it!
August 28, 2013 Redemption
I apologize for being off "the grid." I took a few days of well deserved R & R.
Last night's feeds showed the HGs in a different light. Amanda and Elissa were seen talking and laughing together. One of the problems viewers of BB have is that so much of what we see is directed, some people might even say scripted. The HG's perform like trained seals to keep us entertained. In the past, we've seen them in a more relaxed mode when we watch BBAD. This year the guests appeared to be jumping through hoops. The racism, the homophobia, etc. left a bad taste in our mouths. These people just didn't seem real and they definitely weren't likeable.
It seems like the craziness has calmed down. I wonder how people like Aaryn and GM are going to react when they discover they are no longer gainfully employed. I am hoping that they learn from this. I believe in redemption. These people are incredibly young. They can learn from their mistakes and move on. Aaryn has changed in the house. I am hoping that continues.
I don't want the terrible four to be rewarded for their bad behavior, but I hope they learn from it. Life is about growth. I wish all the BB HG's the best.
August 23, 2013
McCrae and Aaryn are on the block and all I can say it is about time. I am hoping that McCrae wins the POV. I would love to see Amanda in his place. I love balance. I believe the universe requires it. I will be so disappointed if Amanda, Spencer, Aaryn or GM win the $500K.
The season is winding down and I am thinking about next year. BB has to be revamped. Production's mechanizations are so blatant this season. I used to enjoy trying to figure out how BB was pulling the strings. Now you can see it coming from miles away. They need smarter HG's. We need some real chess players too. And we need people who are not just adults, but who are grown ups. This game could be really exciting and fun if CBS tried.
I have skipped seasons in the past. I am really considering throwing in the towel. The show just isn't fun anymore. It used to be one of my guilty pleasures. Now I am embarrassed to admit I watch it.
August 21, 2013 (2)
Amanda told McCrae and Spencer to harass Elissa so that she will quit the game. Is bullying really necessary? I can picture Amanda on the school yard. She was the girl all the other girls were afraid to be around. According to her bio, she is 28 years old. Physically she seem older to me, but emotionally, she's stuck in middle school. She's nasty and manipulative and I can't figure why the HG's haven't bound together to kick her backside out.
August 21, 2013 (1)
Last night Aaryn said it all; she said that the HG's were cast, because they’re all “bat-shit crazy.” I couldn't agree more. I was a BB fan, now, not so much. Why? I couldn't find a HG this season that I liked. I judge people by a simple criteria; would I invite them into my home for a meal? There isn't one person in the BB house that I would want to meet, much less break bread with them.
The season is winding down. I am so ready for it to be over. People ask me who would I like to see win. I answer, "Not one of them."
August 19, 2013
Will Aaryn and GM really be hurt financially?
Can Aaryn and GM file for unemployment once they leave the
house? Several of us on BB’s Facebook
board were speculating about this. One
person thought that there would be too big of a time lapse between their losing
their jobs and their applications (since they won’t be able to apply until they
leave the house.)
I don’t know about the unemployment laws in Texas, but in
New Jersey, applying late usually isn’t a problem. However, you may not qualify for unemployment
if you have been fired. That holds true
in a lot of states.
What people are forgetting is that Aaryn and GM are being
paid as part of the BB cast. Their BB
salaries might be considered as a wage by their various states. If that is the case, they both should be able
to file for unemployment. They haven’t
been fired and they lost their BB jobs due to lack of work. If BB/CBS does not pay unemployment taxes,
they might still be able to file against their previous employers. I know that seems crazy, but I’ve seen that
happen in New Jersey.
If you have a working knowledge of Texas and New Jersey unemployment laws, please feel free to chime in.
If you have a working knowledge of Texas and New Jersey unemployment laws, please feel free to chime in.
I doubt seriously either will have problems generating
income once they leave. No matter how
negative they were seen in the house, people have short memories.
August 18, 2013
Is threatening a HG's kids okay?
Last night, Spencer said nasty things that he said he will use to unnerve Elissa. He plans to intimidate her by threatening her children. I'm sorry, but if he does this and CBS/BB doesn't do anything about it, there is something seriously wrong with them.
At what point is there no longer a line that can't be crossed? Yes, he plans on using this as an intimidating tactic, but I'm sorry, if I was Elissa I would go straight into the DR room and tell them to call the police. If BB refused to do anything about it, I would leave the game and call the police. Threatening someone's children isn't appropriate. It is way over the line. He should be called into the DR room and informed that if he does this, there will be consequences.
The wildly inappropriate behavior of the HG's this year is unbelievable, but what is even worse is that CBS/BB does nothing about it.
August 16, 2013
So Jessie's out, now what? I am not the only blogger that is wondering if Aaryn, Amanda, Ginamarie or Spencer is going to wind up winning this.
There has a great deal of speculation that BB is scripted and rigged. The following link details why some people believe that the show has been slanted from the start in Amanda's favor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTDMDOVREr4. Both BB and Survivor manipulate the game in favor of certain contestants. They want to keep the drama queens, because the drama garners ratings. They want to keep favorites, because the favorites give us some one to root for.
You have to remember the show is not a reality show. It is too manipulated to be considered real. Competitions are slanted to favor certain players. Keep in mind that these people are cast members. They are "hired" and receive a salary. CBS and BB do not fall under the game show laws, because of this. There are no repercussions if they decide who wins.
Do I believe what was revealed in the Youtube video? I don't know. It is easy to fake a FB page. If Amanda really is friends with Allison Grodner, then yes, that would raise my eyebrows. I would love to see a copy of the contract that BB contestants are required to sign. I think we would all be surprised. I believe a lot of people would sell their souls for the publicity. The $500K is incidental.
I wonder what would happen if a few of the players went rogue? I bet they would be voted out quickly. There is no doubt in my mind that in the past, BB has manipulated and directed players so that certain people remain in the game. There is no doubt in my mind they are still doing it. Special twists and game moves are brought in to keep certain players in the game and others out.
As I have said in the past, this isn't a reality show. CBS and BB are manipulating us just as much if not more than the players. For awhile, it was fun. I am a former project manager. That kind of manipulation, the interaction of people in the work place, fascinates me and is the reason why I watch these shows. I like trying to ferret out BB's production machinations.
This year is different. I keep asking myself, do I want hateful people to win? I realize that BB pushes certain personalities to be the bad guys. I doubt that BB told them to be bigoted, misogynistic and homophobic. (Lord, I hope not.) The reality is that one of the terrible four may win. That creates a problem for BB. If Amanda is the predetermined winner, I really have a problem with it.
Should I though? Bigots are human beings like anyone else. They need jobs. They need to provide for their families, but it boils down to, should they be rewarded for it? And that is the problem I have with Amanda, Aaryn, GM, or Spencer winning.
August 14, 2013
Do you have to be crazy to get on Big Brother?
No, but it helps!
If you have been watching the live feeds this week, you may
have noticed Helen and Aaryn commenting on the mental stability of HG’s. Helen said something to the affect that BB
casts unstable people. She was concerned
about their behavior once they leave the house.
BB has had more than its share of crazies and yes, I believe
they cast them on purpose. I’ve compared
HGs to middle schoolers in the past and I stand by that. It is that middle school drama that keeps
viewers riveted.
This season seems to have more than its share, but it isn’t
unique. Justin Sebik held a knife to
female HG’s throat in BB2. In 2008, Evel
Dick verbally abused women in the house.
Adam of BB 2009, called autistics “retards.” Racial and homophobic comments abounded in
BB13. Willie Hantz was kicked off BB 14
after fighting with a HG. CBS happily
airs it all, content that it will generate controversy and ratings.
Is BB casting people that are unstable? The Hantz family has a reputation for hot
tempers, emotional instability and aggression.
Why would anyone hire them? For
ratings, of course! Russell and Brandon
Hantz made headlines with their insane behavior on Survivor (another CBS
show.) So why not bring in Willie to
stir things up in the BB house?
I get it. I really
do. When things calm down in the BB, it
gets boring. HGs were told this week to
ramp up the drama. Jessie’s meltdown
wasn’t surprising. People claim that BB
is scripted. I don’t believe HGs are
reading from a script, but they are directed.
This isn’t a reality show. The
fact that three of the HG’s this season have acting experience illustrates
this. Actors take direction better than
your average person so it makes sense to throw a few into the mix.
What concerns me is the potential for this to get out of
hand. People aren’t toys. You can’t play with them and then throw them
away when they break. One of these days,
a HG is going to lose it and someone is going to get hurt. CBS will waive their disclaimers and claim
that it wasn’t their fault. Good lord,
what has programming become?
August 12, 2013 Are the HG's what they appear to be?
Interesting Youtube video of Nick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppvNuigyJrM
There are tons of videos from about three years ago featuring Nick. BB says he is an entrepreneur. He might be, but he is also an actor. Check him out at IMBd: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4599607/?ref_=sr_1
Amanda may not be what she appears either: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq1yh8KIXnA This is an actor's reel. It is used to get jobs. Check out this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWrQd0RDSjw&feature=c4-overview&list=UU6VBpFud7yE9aSzgCs7HbWQ
You can find out more about Amanda on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2918912/?ref_=sr_1
She is definitely an actress.
McCrae had done a liqueur commercial. I was unable to find it on YouTube, but BB15 Network @bigbrothernet found it and sent it to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBpQ1dP-jzQ&feature=youtu.be&t=27s. Thanks BB15 Network! McCrae is on for two seconds, but he is obviously an actor in the commercial. Check him out on IMBd: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4303244/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
So three of the BB HGs are actors. I wonder what we don't know about the rest?
August 10, 2013 Spencer
On August 5, Spencer picked up a microphone and made comments that I won't repeat here (check them out at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/07/big-brother-spencer-child-porn-comments_n_3719381.html). McCrae was in the shower and I believe Spencer was mocking McCrae while making these comments. I hadn't touched on Spencer's child porn comments, because although I feel they are offensive, I don't believe he is a pedophile or into child porn, just stupid.
His hometown's police department investigated him due to the nature of the comments. They haven't found anything to make them believe that he has done anything criminal.
I have enjoyed this show in the past and have accepted that a large percentage of its players aren't rocket scientists. However, I am beginning to feel that the producers of the show aren't the sharpest crayons in the box either. CBS feels that they have handled the situation properly. Baloney! They feel that they handled this the best way to protect themselves legally and to generate ratings.
Not once did someone from production, shout out to Spencer, "Stop that!" Why? Because they knew it would make headlines. I am so frightened for the future of television. Shows like this serve their purpose. They are no-brainers, meant to take you away from a stressful day. It makes you feel better to know that no matter how dysfunctional you or your family are, there is always someone more messed up. Unfortunately, shows like this generate a great deal of revenue and that influences what we get to see in the future. I pray that this doesn't become the new norm.
P.S. I was thinking about Spencer after I posted this. I wonder what CBS would have done if the police had found Spencer guilty of criminal activity? This season has proved that CBS has lowered its standards considerably. Would they have allowed the police to arrest him on the set, leading him off in handcuffs? Think of the ratings it would garner!
August 9, 2013 GinaMarie
I am trying to figure out that there is anyone that hasn't been offended by something has been said in the BB house. Today it is my turn to take it personally.
Both my children are adopted. GM has made it very clear that she sees adoptees as inferior. I realize the woman is ignorant, but adoption.....really? Her "at least my mom likes me" comment in reference to Candice's adoptive mother is pretty low. I would like to see her try it. I thank God for the two women who put themselves through nine months of pregnancy and labor and then had the courage to give their children up. I say a prayer for them every night, thanking them for their unbelievable generosity of heart and spirit.
I stated in an earlier post the GM reminded me of a fifteen year old. I apologize and take it back. It is an insult to fifteen year olds every where. She is immature and ignorant, yet there she stays in the BB house. With the new twist, we will have to put up with her stupidity for the rest of the season.
August 8, 2013
BB I don't find you amusing. It is all about the ratings. I get that. At least in previous seasons we were allowed to have the illusion that it was a "reality"show, that the HG's had some control over who went out.
There has been some speculation that BB had already determined who was going to win and that it would be Amanda. I had discounted that, but now I am not sure.
Judd was booted tonight, because BB didn't tell the HG's that America was putting people on the block. Paranoia ran rampant and Amanda decided that Judd was the MVP. So any pretense of fairness is now gone.
Of course, BB has more up its sleeve. By increasing the number of jury members, they can bring anyone back, using the "reset" twist. It also keeps all the jury and HG members ignorant of what is going on outside the two houses. Again, it is all about ratings. This means Aaryn and GM won't find out that they lost their jobs until the very end. Win-Win for ratings.
So many Twitter and FB BB fans have said that this is the worst season ever. I have to agree. Why am I still watching? To be honest, there isn't a heck of a lot on television this summer.
I hope that CBS learns something from this season. One, nip any bad behavior in the bud, immediately. That way it doesn't flavor the rest of the season. Two, cast people with working brains. Three, cast more that one mature HG. These kids are acting like middle schoolers. Drama makes interesting television, but immaturity doesn't.
Lastly, you can have a fun, interesting show and still bring in ratings. People are watching this season, because it is a train wreck. It doesn't have to be that way.
A shout out to:
August 7, 2013
Last night, homophobic jokes abounded. Really? After everything, you are still going there? I give up!
It looks like that this week's double eviction will result in having two people in the jury house. This totally changes up the game. It draws out Aaryn's stay on the show, as well as GM's and Spencer's. So many people want to see Aaryn, especially, out of the game, because of her behavior. CBS won't allow that. She generates ratings.
August 6, 2013
Another blogger pointed out that BB copied the tanning booth idea from BB UK. We both agree that considering the controversy generated this season, that it was a stupid idea on CBS's part. I don't think CBS even cares anymore.
August 5, 2013
Amanda was given a BB punishment, to be repeatedly spray tanned. She told McCrae that she looked "like a slave." McCrae commented that what she said was racist. She replied that it wasn't if it was true.
Sigh....at this point, I am proving my own hypothesis, that repeated exposure to inappropriate behavior, desensitizes you to it, and eventually leads to social acceptance of the behavior. The thing is, if she had said that it made her appear to be of African descent, she would have been fine.
August 4, 2013
I write several blogs. Today, their lines crossed. Rather than repeat what I said, here, please check out the following link: http://onewomansopin.blogspot.com/2013/07/todays-topics.html
August 3, 2013
Amanda and Jessie apologized to each other for what they said last night. Finally, two people acting like adults. I doubt it will last.
August 2, 2013
"In so much chaos, someone will do something stupid and when they do, it will turn nasty." ~ V for Vendetta
One of the things that has bothered me this season is the amount of name calling that is going on. We've seen it in the past, but nothing like this. The game has deteriorated to the point that calling someone a "slut" is considered a game move. The cattiness has disintegrated to middle school level.
Alliances didn't hold up this season and I think it is BB15's biggest problem. It is every man for himself and as a result, paranoia is rampant. Without someone to watch their back, a HG is constantly looking over their shoulder. Production has always been involved, but this season they appear to be constantly interring. The game is no longer about strategy, but who survives the chaos.
August 1, 2013
Aaryn stated last night that she plans on avoiding comments about her on the Internet, because they will really affect her. In some ways, I get this. People have made snarky comments about all of the HGs. You'd have to have the skin of a rhino to not be affected by it. However, in Amanda's case, I'd recommend it.
I really believe she doesn't understand the affect her words and behavior has had on people. BB is hoping that since they have pushed her into cleaning up her act that America will either forget or forgive her. Her actions are out there on the Internet forever. She'll have to answer for them eventually. This is an opportunity for her to learn and grow. I hope she doesn't waste it.
July 31, 2013
"We know I'm Southern and I sometimes make jokes that aren't acceptable, but that doesn't mean I'm racist." ~ Aaryn
Then what does it mean, sweetie? I, for one, am getting a little tired of the "blame the south" excuse for inappropriate behavior. She keeps making excuses for herself. Aaryn, take responsibility for your actions. An apology goes a long way.
Also, I had to comment on the "Gook" discussion. McCrae was asked what his favorite dip was and he hesitated, because it is called "Gook." The HG's then went on to discuss its meaning. Yes, it can be used as an offensive term for a person of Korean, Philippine or Vietnamese descent, but it can also mean a sloppy, wet or viscous substance. Now, I've never heard of anything edible called "Gook," but I wonder if it was named for the latter definition rather than the former. I've heard the expression gooky used to describe things that were gooey and gross. The focus in the house is so racial now that anything is suspect. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
July 29, 2013
At 11:59 last night on the live feeds Aaryn stated that her mattress tipping incident wasn't a big deal, in fact, she got a special interview with production, because of it. She is obviously proud of herself as she bragged further that she is making "TV Magic." If this isn't CBS rewarding bad behavior, I don't know what is. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Interesting link:
http://bigbrother15.com/big-brother-ratings-dip-slightly-on-sunday-night-122378/ Although their ratings have dipped slightly on Sunday nights, they are still number one in their time slots. Keeping a bigot pays.
July 29, 2013 (1)
Last night Aaryn stated that the person she was in the house in the beginning isn't who she really is, that she is the person she is now. This comes across a little disingenuous. She still isn't accepting responsibility for her actions. Helen and a few of the others are prepared to forgive her, because they didn't hear what she said. It is apparent Helen never heard the "make a bowl of rice" comment, but she isn't going to be given a free pass.
I wonder how much production casts and directs their behavior. Think about it, every season the cast consists of stereotypes: the mean girl, the hunk, the smart one, the sweet gay guy, etc. I wonder if Aaryn was cast as the mean girl. It would explain a lot. It doesn't excuse her actions though. Even if she was told to play up the drama, I refuse to believe that BB told her to be a bigot.
Aaryn is immature. There is no getting around that. She is emotionally stuck in middle school. I hope she learns from this debacle. I am still very unhappy with CBS and BB. The whole season has left a bad taste in my mouth. BB should be fun. This season hasn't been fun.
July 28, 2013 (2)
I have always been under the impression that BB kept everything that went on outside the house away from the HGs. All the HGs appear to know that viewers are unhappy with racial slurs that have gone on inside the house. I understand why BB did this. They had to do some damage control. They aren't breaking their rules, but it is bending them.
July 28, 2013 (1)
I was informed that Helen was related to Jun Song, the 2003 Winner of BB. That is incorrect. My source was misinformed and I apologize for the error.
July 27, 2013
Someone had to tell Aaryn that BB's viewers think she is a racist. Tonight, she blamed Candice for that perception! Aaryn's defense? "I don't say racist things!"
Quick recap:
Aaryn put Spencer and Howard on the block this week. Amanda was America's choice for the third nom. Spencer won the POV. There is no doubt that he will take himself off the block. Aaryn states that America will accuse her of being racist when they find out who her final noms will be.
First, I hope someone sits Aaryn down after she leaves the house and replays every conversation she has had there. Second, if she puts both Howard and Candice on the block, people are going to either roll their eyes or be offended. I can't imagine what is going through the minds of her mother and PR person. Mom is going to spend a fortune on damage control.
July 26, 2013
Who are you rooting for this season?
I have a friend who is a huge Big Brother fan. She always
pays for the live feeds, watches religiously, and will describe every plot that
is going on in the house in detail. This
afternoon, I asked her who she was rooting for this season; her reply, “I don’t
care.” I was surprised and we discussed
her response at length.
I must admit I feel the same way. Whoever cast this season’s HGs needs to seriously
rethink their skill set. My friend said
that she liked Elissa at first, but now she seems to be falling apart. I agree.
Without the power of the MVP, she doesn’t seem to have a lot of
savvy. It is surprising considering that
she is Rachel’s sister.
My friend pointed out that she was surprised at how quickly
all of the alliances have fallen apart. In the past, the strong alliances held
together throughout the season. The five
person alliance fell apart within minutes.
No one seems to have a real plan.
I think part of the problem is the casting of a large group
of twenty somethings. BB counts on their immaturity to create
drama in the game and lord knows, we’ve had plenty of that this season. They created drama and I am sure generated
ratings. However, it didn’t endear them
to viewers. You loved to hate “Evil
Dick.” He was fun to watch. There was nothing loveable about this year’s villains. People hated them, period.
Now the group has toned down their act (they still have
their moments), viewers could care less about them. BB
had hoped that by giving making America the MVP, the viewers would be put them
up on the block and as a result, feel that they had a voice in their
eviction. So far, it hasn’t turned out
that way. Although Kaitlin exited this
week, Aaryn is still there. Odds are
someone will drag her to the end. Who
wouldn’t want the most hated person in BB history sitting beside them at the
This year’s showmances leave me cold. A showmance is an integral part of the
game. My friend pointed out that McCrae
is doing an excellent job of hiding behind Amanda and allowing her to do all
the dirty work. What bothers me is that
I don’t think there is any real affection there and they’ve know each other
awhile now. They should at least like
each other and come across as likeable, as well. This is a hook up strictly for the game and
it shows.
On the other hand, Aaryn and GM’s showmances were short
lived. Aaryn barely knew David when he
was voted out, but she acted like she had lost the love of her life. It came across as artificial and over the
top. No one bought it. Of course, GM’s reaction to Nick’s leaving was
ridiculous. I’ve seen girls act like
this in real life, but they were fifteen years old at the time. It is difficult to care about someone who is
so clueless.
Overall, I think McCrae is playing the game the best. I think Andy is a sweet heart and I value
Helen’s intelligence, but for now, I am not rooting for any of them. The problem is that I just don’t care.
July 22, 2013
What a lot of people don't realize is how much manipulation goes on by production. There is a reason the show is called "Big Brother." The HGs go into the d.r. room a great deal. They are always told not to discuss production in front of the cameras. You will hear staff reprimanding HGs when they are acting out (example: Aaryn flipping the bed). In the past, I enjoyed trying to figure out how production was manipulating the game, this year, not so much. The cast (and that is what they are) has left an incredibly bad taste in my mouth. Now that they appear to be controlling themselves a bit better, that bad taste hasn't gone away.
In the past, when HGs were out of control, BB stepped in. A HG didn't throw down an expensive microphone or physically threaten another guest without repercussions. Although there wasn't physical abuse going on in the house this time, there was mental abuse. Many of the HG's actions were cruel and abusive, yet, because it made for good ratings, they posted a few disclaimers and let the game run its course.
If this was "Survivor" we would have never known any of it or it would have been vaguely hinted. I am now wondering if we would be better off. As a viewer, yes, we would enjoy the game more. People, like Aaryn, would not have their personal lives impacted by their prime time behavior. CBS would probably make a lot less money though. So the question is, should CBS continue with the live feeds? In the past, I loved them. Now I don't. Again, the problem is that although BB pretends to be a reality show, there is nothing real about it. What goes on during the live feeds is manipulated, as well. That is what bothers me the most. CBS/BB could have come down with both feet on the HGs from the start. I wonder if they hesitated, because production's interference would have been more visible. We all know something is going on when we see video of the fish so I don't see how this is an issue. So the question is, do we want to see these people in a manipulated version of who they are or do we want to see them warts and all (no production manipulation)?
I apologize for the rambling. I hope that the above made some sense and that CBS/BB has learned something from this fiasco.
July 21, 2013
Well, we all know that CBS didn't count on viewers being confused by America being the MVP. A lot of people assumed they were voting for MVP when they were voting for who was going up. As a result, Elissa went up on the block. Now that she's won POV, I'm hoping that Aaryn will be the target. Of course, if wishes were horses.....
July 20, 2013
The MVP Twist
So rather they take the high road and kick Aaryn and the others out, CBS and BB production decided to create a twist that allows America to be this week's MVP and choose a HG to put up for eviction. It is a no brainer that Aaryn has received 61% of the vote, so far. The problem with this scenario is, of course, it doesn't mean that Aaryn will automatically be voted out of the house. It creates another problem, if Aaryn gets off the block, then there won't be enough time for America to renominate another HG. I am guessing that they will replace her with whomever comes in second in the vote, but you never know.
Aaryn appears to be trying to clean up her act. Unfortunately, it is too little too soon. I still see her being dragged to the end. C'mon, who wouldn't want her sitting beside them in the finals?
July 19, 2013
Okay, Jeremy is out of the house and it looks like GM might be next, but what are Aaryn's chances of remaining in the house until the very end? I am beginning to think, pretty good. Helen has made a secret pact with her. If Helen is smart, she'll drag Aaryn with her to the end. Aaryn is BB 15's Russell Hantz, the guy you want sitting beside you at the show's finale. You want the nastiest player with you so that people will vote strictly for you.
It makes great television, everyone rooting against the bad guy. Someone speculated this weekend, that BB is pushing the show in this direction. I wouldn't be surprised. Since the HG's have started to settle down, the show has become boring. The constant drama is what brings us back to watch.
The real world events of the pass several months makes me wonder if reality shows like this are a good idea. Aaryn Gries is paid a salary while she is in the BB house after doing and saying things that would get her fired anywhere else. If the publicist manages to spin her behavior, she could wind up on every talk show in the country. I see her as a paid public speaker who preaches against racism. Hypocrisy is king when money is involved.
America is becoming desensitized to bad behavior. CBS could have taken the high road. They didn't for the sake of ratings.
July 18, 2013
I am amazed that someone's behavior in a reality show is so bad that your mother has to hire a PR firm to clean up your image. That's exactly what Aaryn Gries mother has done. Check out the LA Times article: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-big-brother-houseguest-who-made-racist-remarks-to-get-pr-spin-20130717,0,1890671.story
Unfreakin' believable! CBS still isn't getting it and Julie Chen is doing the talk show circuit to extol the CBS party line on allowing Aaryn and her ilk to remain in the house. She deplores the HG's bad behavior, but she justifies BB's keeping the terrible 5 in the house.
Rolling Stone magazine placed the face of one of the Boston bomber's on its cover. People were furious. To me, it proves that it doesn't matter how bad the behavior, the perp receives instant celebrity status.
July 17, 2013
Things are quieter in the house. Jeremy is doing his best to convince people to keep him. Hopefully, that doesn't happen.
I was thinking last night about what Aaryn's life will be once she leaves the house. I hope that someone takes her aside, walks her through every single thing she said and did in the house and explain why what she did was so bad. She is young. She can change. She can learn. I pray that twenty years from now, she looks back at her behavior with embarrassment.
July 16, 2013
If you want to complain to CBS, contact them at:
July 15, 2013
Just watched Julie Chen on "The Talk" justify CBS's decision to leave Aaryn and company in the game. BB feels that by leaving them in they are showing them for who they really are. If you read all the tweets, all the FB discussions, all the blogs, everyone wants these people kicked out of the game. CBS's decision to keep blinders on to public opinion demonstrates to me that it all about the almighty buck. We know who they are. We know what they are. Kick them out!
Video clip of Julie today on "The Talk." (http://onewomansopin.blogspot.com/2013/07/big-brother-controversy.html)
I watched Aaryn apologize to Candice on the show last night. Call me cynical, but I am not impressed. She made a comment about being from "the south" as if that should explain her behavior. My mother was from the south and no one in their right mind would ever call her a racist or bigoted. She had African-American friends all her life. (See my blog on the "n" word, http://onewomansopin.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-n-word.html) Are there racists in the south, yes; but there are bigots to be found in the north, as well. These people are in the minority, thank god. To blame her inappropriate behavior on a southern upbringing is offensive.
Vice President, Joe Biden, has stated that we should never judge another person's motives, that in their minds they believe they are doing right. I believe that Aaryn has gotten by on her looks for a very long time and is spoiled. She has an appalling sense of entitlement. I am betting that she has been one of the "mean girls" all her life. I doubt she has a clue as to how nasty she comes across. The pressure of the game may have brought out the worst in her, but when people try to point out that she is hurting herself, she discounts them.
I still wonder why CBS and BB has given her and the others a free pass. Perhaps it is the result of the backlash from the Paula Deen scandal (see http://onewomansopin.blogspot.com/2013/06/paula-deen.html). At the time, I felt the reaction to her use of the "n" word at the time was an over reaction. The majority of people on FB and Twitter agreed with me. That doesn't mean that her remarks weren't offensive, they were, and Paula is paying the price for them. CBS and BB appear to have not reacted fast enough. The things that have been said and the actions that have occurred in the house are far worse than anything that came out in Paula's deposition. Both women should know better. Yet one lost everything as soon as she opened her mouth.
I think that is what is bothering the most about BB 15. I might not judge motives, but I do judge actions. While Paula was wrong, people that know her say you would never believe it of her if you knew her. (We don't have the advantage of live feeds into her private life so we will have to take their word for it.) Her charity work is a case in point. Her actions are very different than her words. When called out on it, (although clumsily) she did apologize. She was given the opportunity to look back at past behaviors, reassess and learn from them.
In Aaryn's case, it appears that while production and the HGs are now working with her, trying to get her to understand that her behavior is inappropriate and has consequences, they waited too long. Aaryn refused to take ownership of her bad behavior. In fact, she saw herself as a victim. The bed tossing the other night was just another escalation. Thank god, Howard had the sense to get Candice out of the room before it went any further. Her apology came too late and came across as insincere.
Although the reaction to Paula was over the top (her brand was waning anyway and I think many used the scandal as an excuse to dump her), it was immediate. BB has allowed this to drag on way too long. They say it is a "social experiment," but in reality it isn't. The show is manipulated by production. The HGs are monitored at all times. BB could have shown that behavior like this is inappropriate in any workplace and they didn't.
Forgive me for rambling. Like so many others, I have been thrown for a loop by all of this. I believed that we were making progress. Apparently, I am wrong. We have so much further to go.
Let me know what you think.
Check out another point of view, (http://jundishes.com/2013/07/15/dissect-a-disclaimer/ ).
July 14, 2013
This blog is being read in Russia, Georgia, Germany, Brazil, Vietnam, The Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Hong Kong, besides Canada and the U.S. I wonder if they are watching the live feeds and what they think of us as a result. I hope this blog and our discussions point out that these people are in the minority, that watching them is similar to watching a train wreck.
I've been watching the reaction to the George Zimmerman verdict this morning. I won't comment on whether it was the right or wrong decision. I didn't sit in that jury box, nor was I privy to their discussions. The world can be horribly unfair and we should never make life harder for another person. Life is short, too short for hate.
Another blog you might find fun and interesting: http://www.ihatebigbrother.com/hamsterdames-take-why-and-what/
July 13, 2013
The above pop-up now appears when you access BB's live feeds. I burst out laughing. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!
July 12, 2013
3.) Last night got incredibly ugly. It is some up very well at the following link:
2.) Aaryn turned a bed over last night in the house. BB told her to "Stop it." Things are escalating. This isn't healthy.
1.) Last night's eviction ceremony was surprising to say the least. Everyone expected Elissa to leave. Nick was booted instead. I discussed this was a friend. We both agreed that it was in BB's best interest for her to stay. So the question arises, did BB influence the decision? We have no way of knowing if this is the case. There were rumors last season that BB did influence a vote, but again, they were rumors.
It does appear that shows like BB and Survivor choose competitions that specific competitors will do well in. They do this to keep favorites in the game. Last night's competition was a difficult one. People with memory issues would have problems. Both Aaryn and Jeremy have stated that they are taking the prescription drug, Adderall. (I read this on "Big Brother USA's" Twitter feed.) Adderall is prescribed for people with issues of concentration. So it is a logical assumption that they would have difficulties with a task that requires memorization. The task favors people like Helen. Helen won.
I have always wondered if the game show laws applies to BB and Survivor. These laws were created to prevent game shows from influencing or determining the outcome of a game. The competitors in these games are paid salaries while competing and I wonder if this exempts the shows from the laws. Since they are salaried, they are technically actors or entertainers.
The above is just speculation on my part. What do you think?
July 11, 2013
At this point, I am experiencing burnout. I "unliked" the Big Brother Facebook page. I couldn't take all the drama. Last night's episode was okay. I am glad they skipped all the bigotry, but I know it is there. Next year BB should stop the live feeds. Survivor doesn't use them and doesn't have the hassles.
July 9, 2013
I am new to blogging. I am trying to promote the blog, but if any one objects to the way I am promoting it, please let me know. Please feel free to add comments to the bottom of the page. This is a safe place to discuss BB.
July 9, 2013 6:50 p.m EST
An Open Letter to Julie Chen and the Producers of “Big
Dear Big Brother:
Like a lot of people, I haven’t been happy with the path “Big
Brother 15” has taken. The blatant
racism, the homophobic and misogynistic remarks we have witnessed have been
beyond the pale. This isn’t the first
time that we have seen such behavior in the house, but it has never been to
this extent.
I’ve tried to be philosophical about it, but deep down I am
disturbed. Yes, I know, people talk and
act like this in real life and that the show is life in a microcosm. However, in real life there are repercussions
for such behavior. People spewing such
filth are ostracized by those who do not share their skewed beliefs. We can let them know that such behavior is
inappropriate. We can walk away or
reprimand them. We can report them to
HR. We do not have to submit ourselves
to a constant barrage of hate and abuse.
Yes, two of the Big Brother house guests have lost their
jobs as a result of their actions, but since they are unaware that this occurred,
they haven’t had the opportunity to learn from it. I gather that Big Brother did discuss the
issue with the house guests, but it hasn’t changed things. In fact, it seems that it is getting worse.
Julie Chen stated that their behavior and the in-house
repercussions from it has become part of the game. I understand that: but as interesting as it
would be to see this play out, that decision needs to be revisited.
These people need to change their behavior or leave. That has to be made abundantly clear. You only need to see the online postings to
see the effect they are having on the public.
Hate breeds hate. The public is
pushing back and it isn’t pretty. Aaryn’s
Facebook fan page is an excellent example.
“Fan Page” is a misnomer. “Hate
Page” is more fitting.
Someone on Twitter suggested that Aaryn might need
protection when she leaves the house. I
wish I could disagree with him. It has
reached the point where her safety might become an issue. The longer she stays in the house, the more
fuel she pours on the fire. I pray that
I am wrong.
I am a big fan of the show and I would hate to see it crash
and burn. Please take what I have said
under consideration and find a solution.
A Fan
July 8, 2013 8:47 p.m.
The BB controversy was discussed on "The Talk" this afternoon. You can find the clip at (http://www.cbs.com/shows/the_talk/video/rrGCKL6qgSRex36ZoHRpifP0RIrHQ_R0/the-talk-big-brother-controversy/)
I asked earlier if racism part of the game, according to Julie Chen, it is. Click on the link above to show her full statement.
July 8, 2013 1:00 p.m.
Is racism and cheating part of the game?
of cheating from Merriam-Webster.com, (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cheat).
- to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud
- to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice
- to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting <cheat death>
People are surprised when I tell them I watch Big Brother. I am often asked, “Why?” I am a former project manager. I worked at a major telecommunications
company and a multinational computer company.
To me, the show and its ilk are microcosms of corporate America at its
best and worst.
The behaviors we see exhibited on the show can be found in
offices everywhere. Is there cheating in
the corporate world? You’d better
believe it. We all know individuals who
lie, cheat, and do whatever it takes to advance their careers. They climb the corporate ladder at the
expense of people who are more scrupulous than they. The majority succeed. Is it fair?
Of course not, but is it reality?
So how does BB
compare to corporate American in this respect?
During a recent competition, Aaryn and Jeremy were seen cheating and as
a result, won. Fans were outraged,
especially since it appeared that they were bragging about it. BB has not acknowledged it and has chosen not
to punish the couple for their behavior.
I believe that BB was aware of the cheating and they chose to ignore it
for several reasons.
First, no HG noticed the cheating. If they had, they could have called out Aaryn
and Jeremy during the competition. BB would have been forced to address
it. Second, Aaryn as HOH is good
television. She is this year’s villain
and generates a lot of controversy which brings in the viewers. Third, to remove Aaryn as HOH would screw up
the production schedule. This is a television
show like any other television show. It
has a schedule that must be met. So it
is in BB’s best interests to ignore the cheating and move on. It is a business decision. Is it fair?
No, but as in the real world, life isn’t fair.
How would corporate America have handled it? Unless there is a risk of liability, they
would ignore the behavior, especially if it gave them a competitive
advantage. (That is not to say there aren’t
highly ethical companies out there.) However,
bragging about cheating is not something that would be encouraged. It closes the door on deniability.
So in the case of cheating, reality television has an
element of reality to it. Racism is
quite different. There are federal laws
regarding racism in the work place.
Corporations react immediately when confronted with any hint of racism. Both Aaryn and GinaMarie have lost their jobs
due to their inappropriate remarks on the show.
This is where BB differs from
reality. In the real world, people lose
their jobs when they act inappropriately.
CBS statement: “BIG BROTHER is a reality show about watching
a group of people who have no privacy 24/7 — and seeing every moment of their
lives. At times, the Houseguests reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do
not condone. We certainly find the statements made by several of the
Houseguests on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Any views or opinions
expressed in personal commentary by a Houseguest appearing on BIG BROTHER,
either on any live feed from the House or during the broadcast, are those of
the individual(s) speaking and do not represent the views or opinions of CBS or
the producers of the program.”
CBS is saying that this is a “reality” show and that people
behave like this in real life. However,
in real life there are consequences. BB creates its own reality, but it isn’t
truly a reality show. In real life,
coworkers would tell them to keep their comments to themselves or report them
to management. People would avoid them
like the plague. Although it seems to
have had little effect, BB did discuss
Aaryn and GinaMarie’s behavior with them in the diary room. The fact that BB addressed it during regular
programming is a major change.
So where does this leave us as viewers? Why are we so unhappy and frustrated? Psychologists use the term “cognitive
Definition of cognitive
dissonance from About.com/Psychology, (http://psychology.about.com/od/cognitivepsychology/f/dissonance.htm).
“…The term cognitive
dissonance is used to describe the feeling of discomfort that results from
holding two conflicting beliefs. When there is a discrepancy between beliefs
and behaviors, something must change in order to eliminate or reduce the
We saw how Paula Deem was
treated for her remarks in the real world.
We perceive BB as a functioning element of reality, but it isn’t. It is a manufactured and manipulated
reality. We can’t reconcile the
two. We want racism punished. Although they may not be aware of it yet, Aaryn
and GinaMarie have been punished for their bad behavior in real life, but they
have not experienced serious repercussions in the BB house so far. It isn’t fair to the HGs who are behaving
themselves. It makes us angry and
So what can we do about it?
I think we’ve already done a great deal. CBS wouldn’t have addressed the issue on the
show if it hadn’t been for the backlash generated by the viewers. So keep on hammering them in the forums, on
Twitter, and FaceBook. You are making a
Hang in there. BB may
have a few tricks up its sleeve.
Personally, I’m waiting for Julie Chen to bitch slap Aaryn when she
finally leaves the house.
July 8, 2013
If you are BB addict and don't have a Twitter account, get one. You can find live feed info and spoilers galore there. Try "@BigBrothernet," "@BigBrother_USA," and "@BBHOH" for a start.
July 7, 2013
Found this on "Entertainment Weekly" website. It is worth the read. http://popwatch.ew.com/2013/07/07/big-brother-racist-houseguest-problem/
Here is a link about the BB controversies over the years: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversy_and_criticism_of_Big_Brother_%28U.S.%29
To sign the petition to evict Aaryn: http://www.change.org/petitions/cbs-television-network-to-expel-current-contestant-of-big-brother-15-aaryn-gries?utm_campaign=twitter_link_action_box&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=share_petition
July 6, 2013
Looks like BB is taking a ratings hit due to the controversy. Check this out: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/06/big-brother-ratings_n_3554857.html
I am wondering if this will change their minds about Aaryn and GinaMarie. The two of them were called into the d.r. room this afternoon, but neither appeared to be affected by whatever was said.
Okay, I’ll admit it, watching “Big Brother” is one of
my guilty pleasures. I know there isn’t
anything “real” about reality shows. The
footage is edited and the show is manipulated by its producers. It is similar to watching the movie, “Titanic.” You know what happens at the end, but you
watch it anyway.
The only thing “real” is the show’s live feed. “Big
Brother After Dark” is on TVGN this season.
TVGN censors its feed. So far,
people have been unhappy with TVGN’s coverage as compared to that of Showtime. The residents in the house have mouths like sewers
and TVGN censors large portions of their conversations. As a result, one can’t make sense of the
“Big Brother”
does not censor its live feed and it has backfired on the house guests. Two of the women have lost their jobs due to
their use of racist and homophobic language.
(If you want to see what they said, please use a search engine, I will
not post that garbage here.)
CBS responded to the controversy with the following
statement: “Big Brother is a reality show about watching a group of people who
have no privacy 24/7 — and seeing every moment of their lives. At times, the
houseguests reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone. We
certainly find the statements made by several of the houseguests on the live
Internet feed to be offensive. Any views or opinions expressed in personal
commentary by a houseguest appearing on Big Brother, either on any live feed
from the House or during the broadcast, are those of the individual(s) speaking
and do not represent the views or opinions of CBS or the producers of the
Doesn’t sound like CBS is going to have them removed from
the house, does it? Now compare that to
the reaction to Paula Deen’s use of the ‘n” word nearly thirty years ago. Ask yourself why every company associated with
Paula broke their connections with her while CBS doesn’t appear to be willing
to do the same with its BB
It is standard operating procedure for companies to distance
themselves from any controversy. It
doesn’t matter if the person is innocent or not. In 2009, Domino’s Pizza did not react quickly
to a viral video (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/16/business/media/16dominos.html?_r=0). That video nearly brought down the brand. Corporations learned from Domino’s
mistake. If there is any appearance of
scandal or impropriety, the company breaks all ties and moves on. It is all about protecting their brand.
You would think that CBS would want to do the same, especially
following on the heels of the Paula Deen media feeding frenzy. So far, it doesn’t appear to be the case. Why? It’s
all about the almighty dollar. The bad
behavior of the house’s residents will actually bring them more revenue,
because more people will pay to view the live feeds. Pretty sick, huh? There has been some speculation that BB replaced Showtime with TVGN for that
reason. This season the only way you can
get uncensored BBAD is to view the BB’s live feed.
Maybe I am being cynical.
BB has covert ways of
removing the offenders without telling them they must leave. Reality shows manipulate the competitions to keep
favorite players in the game. They can
do the reverse, as well.
It is early yet, and it will be interesting to see what
happens. If you boil it down, Paula Deen lost her empire, because of the “n” word and CBS may make a fortune, because of
I know that BB is all about scheming and back-stabbing but there has to be a line that isn't crossed. Making fun of someones race,religion or sexual preference needs to be a no-no. Aaryn is a spoiled little girl who has good looks and feels that she is superior to all of the others. Her actions prove that. She need to learn that common decency needs to be included in her character....something she totally lacks!
ReplyDeleteI agree. The lines have been crossed this season. At this point, I don't know what they are thinking. Someone suggested that they boot the five serious offenders and bring in HGs from other seasons, such as Janelle. I think a better idea would to do that, but bring in people who were nice in the house, but didn't win. They could call it a twist to cover themselves in the game.
ReplyDeleteAaryn has admitted to taking the drug, Adderall. I wonder why it was prescribed. There are a lot of neurological disorders that would contribute to her behavior. If she was a high functioning person with Asperger's Syndrome, it would explain a lot! I am not making excuses for her, but if she is taking that drug, then she should be in counseling of some kind. Psychiatrists prescribe it.
No matter what, she needs to be removed from the game. From what I have seen on the feeds, some of the other HGs are trying to work with her to get her to see what she is doing to herself and the game. I think it is too late for that now. People are tired of the constant verbal barrage of filth.
The vicious postings I have seen on Facebook and Twitter worries me. Someone physically threatened Jeremy yesterday on one of the Big Brother Twitter discussions. They need to get them out of the house before it escalates any further.
Thank you for posting! Please spread the word that this is a safe place to discuss BB. Anyone who spews anything aggressive or inappropriate will be deleted from the discussions.
Jane... I followed your link from Hamsterdames post earlier this week. The thing about Big Brother that I think many fans don't realize is that Production IS part of the game. They try to manipulate players in the diary room, they have a process of games that favors different players at different times, and they do interfere as they deem necessary, ie: "Aaryn, Stop that!"
ReplyDeleteBig Brother Production has a goal: Produce an entertaining "reality" television show, and a strategy to get there: Do what needs to be done to make that happen....
The only two rules that I know of as far as players "play" is concerned... 1. Do not physically harm another player. 2. Do not destroy Big Brother property. Both of those rules have been enforced by production on previous seasons and players were expelled. Other than that, they turn the cameras on the Hamsters and watch what happens.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback. I've always assumed as much about production. I was talking about quiz show laws. here is a couple of links that will explain it.
There were scandals back in the 50's. Contestants were secretly being assisted by the show's producers to fix the outcomes of the contests. I don't think BB or Survivor falls under these laws, primarily because the participants are paid to play. If they did fall under these laws, production wouldn't be allowed to influence the competitors or switch the competitions to favor particular contestants.
Thanks for your feedback. It really was insightful.
I remember the quiz show controversy . My point was that BB isn't in violation because Production IS a part of the game. Every HG knows it because they talk about their diary room convos all the time whilst BB admonishes "you're not allowed to talk about your diary room sessions with other HG's.". Like this season, Amanda telling Aaryn that BB has asked every HG how they feel about Aaryns racist comments. Productions manipulation s are a part of the game and the players are well aware of that fact... Even though some less schooled in BB game play whine about it being unfair. Two past players come to mind here, Dr. Will (HD's favorite) and Dan Gheesling (my personal fave). Both of these BB winners used Productions manipulation s to their own advantage, and ultimately won the game... In fact Dan almost won it twice, but for the bitter jury. Not every winning player has been able to utilize Production in this way, but that's probably why these two are considered the two best players in BB history.
ReplyDeleteI get your point, your point is that BB production is part of the game, therefore it isn't in violation, but under quiz show laws, they wouldn't be allowed. That's why I think that they don't fall under those laws at all. Any kind of manipulation on the behalf of BB or CBS to influence the outcome of the game would be considered illegal and punishable by fines if they fell under a regular game show category. I think as a "reality" show, they are considered entertainment and the HG's are considered actors or entertainers. That way there is no interference from standards and practices. The rules simply don't apply to them.
ReplyDeleteYou said that players have taken advantage of the manipulations, but I am under the impression that last season a few HGs were instructed not to vote someone out. I remember there was some controversy about what some of the HGs said after coming out of the d.r. room, implying that was the case. I've seen BB and Survivor hold competitions that are to some players advantage, but I wonder if they influence more than that.
I would still love to see BB just dump them into the house and let us watch, LOL. That would be reality, the survival of the fittest!
Things seemed quieter in the house last night. I hope the nut cases finally settle down. Thursday night was frightening. Things can escalate quickly and BB production might not intervene fast enough if things get out of hand.
Things seem to be settling down on Twitter too. One person threatened to kill Jeremy earlier this week. I've seen some other nasty stuff too. I was becoming concerned for Aaryn's safety when she leaves the house.
Thanks you for replying. I am enjoying our conversations.
I don't think players are ever told who to vote for, but they are asked why they would vote a certain way and made to think how their vote will affect their game. I think production pushes pretty hard sometimes... Imagine if all the "nice" people banded together and voted out all the "mean manipulative " people the first few weeks. We'd have the most boring BB ever. We wouldn't have a "side" to cheer for, nor one to "boo". Production has to manipulate to keep the game going and interesting. I've watched seasons that were dominated by one "side" of the house, and regardless, good or bad side, I was about ready to turn off my feeds and tv until something finally happened to flip the game. And, Survivor, my other guilty pleasure... Jeff Probst spends an hour or more quizzing the players at Tribal, forcing them to reveal secrets, alliances and their real feelings about each other, which often changes things when they get back to camp... We get to see about 5 minutes of his grilling. Again, creating good TV that we just can't turn away from.
ReplyDeleteAs for the gameshow rules, I have to agree with you that since these players are all paid handsomely for their participation, those rules may not apply. Additionally, I don't think either show has a "winner" in their sites when they manipulate the game. Otherwise, Ozzy would have won Survivor at least once!
Great points. I've often wondered if they were told who to vote for, but your scenario works. I am a "Survivor" fan too. I do feel that Jeff leads them sometimes. I've seen more surprises to production on "Survivor" though. They've set up games to favor a contestant and have had it backfire on them several times. Since "Survivor" doesn't have live feeds we don't see the participants as they really are though. We only see what they want us to see. BB's live feeds are cool, but in this year's case I feel that its worked against them.
ReplyDeleteI'm still having a hard time finding someone to cheer for this year.
Glad to have another fan who really thinks things through here. It is a pleasure, Dixie.
I'm not adopted, but my siblings are. ALL of the comments she has made are vile, but this one was the worst by her. Still not as bad as Spencer's comment about children, but certainly the most personal.
ReplyDeleteWhat GM doesn't know is that Candice is close to both her birth mom and her adoptive mom, and she has TWICE the love. I can't wait until someone shoves that piece of info in her face.
DeleteThank you for posting. I must admit, I've been floored by GM's comments. Of course, I've felt that way since this season started. I really wonder where they found these people.
I've never seen anyone this ignorant about adoption. Neither of my children have seen any negativity due to the circumstance of their births. My daughter made me a grandmother. She said that after she had her baby she had a real respect for her birth mother. It takes a lot to go through that and not keep the child. She was given up, as was my son, because their birth mothers wanted the best for them. How could anyone see that as negative?
There has been some really nasty stuff said in the house this season and BB/CBS has allowed it because it brings in the ratings. I heard that Judd has even been heard saying nasty stuff about women. The racial comments, the homophobic comments, the slurs against women, and now the cruel adoption comments make me wonder what the heck is CBS thinking?
Thanks again for posting. I didn't know that about Candice. That is wonderful. I want this blog to be a safe place where people can post safely. It has been a pleasure meeting you.