Saturday, April 20, 2013


Why did the Boston Marathon bombers feel it necessary to destroy so many lives?

The events of the past week have left us breathless. We have run the gamut of emotions.  We are rung out, emotionally spent and are left with asking ourselves, why?

I am not a psychologist, just an observer. There are hundreds of articles describing what motivates a terrorist.  Although reports are conflicting, looking at these two men, it is easy (in hindsight) to see the signs.  These two were bounced around quite a bit.  The eldest was a loner, antisocial.  He didn't fit in.  It made him a prime target for recruiters to "the cause."  In all likelihood, he, in turn, recruited his younger brother.  The younger man didn't quite fit the profile.  He attended parties.  He drank alcohol.  He was going to medical school.  It appeared he was very social and had a bright future ahead of him.  His friends and family are having a difficult believing that he would do something so evil.

So why did he?  FBI profilers, psychologists, and sociologists can give you a multitude of reasons, but I think it boils down to a need to belong.  It is the reason, young men join gangs.  These people feel powerless.  They are angry.  They want to be heard.  They want to be acknowledged.   

Occasionally, we feel the same way, but we channel these needs into appropriate outlets.  However, we aren't being recruited by charismatic religious fanatics (or gang members).  The Khmer Rouge used children and adolescents in their campaign of terror.  We have seen the same behavior in Africa, as well.  Young men are recruited or forced to be killers.  These kids are emotionally susceptible to manipulation.

Am I making excuses for them, NO!  I am sickened by the bombings.  My daughter is a runner.  It could have been my son-in-law and my grandchild on the sidelines cheering her on.  As a parent and a grandparent, every child is my child and my children are growing up in a world where they are not safe.  We are asking ourselves, why?  This is my feeble attempt in giving an answer.

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